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The Center for Collaborative Research on Population and Society was established in 2011 with a research grant on population aging funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea. Our mission is to lead outstanding research that sparks multidisciplinary interest in demography and social phenomena, cultivate professional expertise, and create/disseminate alternative perspectives. In particular, the primary goal of our center is to develop an integrated support systems model for older adults and individuals with disabilities. Such efforts are anticipated to result in the empowerment of local residents and promote a sense of self-reliance throughout the community. To achieve this goal, we have actively worked on a wide range of projects with a team of diverse disciplines, including sociology, public health, and gerontology.

人口與社會合作研究 中心

人口與社會合作研究中心於 2011 年由韓國國家研究基金會人口老齡化研究项目資助成立。我們的使命是領導傑出的研究,激發人口學和社會現象的多學科興趣,培養專業知識,並創造/傳播多種觀點。為此,我們竭力為老年人和殘疾人建立一個綜合支持系統模型。中心成員來自不同學科領域,包括社會學、公共衛生和老年學等,長期致力於提升當地居民的能力。中心通過社區項目培養居民的自力更生意識,並在多個領域展開相關研究,以期為社區發展和提升居民生活質量做出貢獻。